
MonaAir, European Designer of air purifiers

Protect: Frédéric Vallon, director of La Marjolaine in Tourves, shares his experience

July 4th, 2023 marked a significant milestone in our collaboration with the La Marjolaine Nursing Home in Tourves, Var. On this date, our team successfully completed the installation of Protect air purifiers within the facility. These devices, designed to enhance air quality, quickly demonstrated their effectiveness.

One month after implementation, Mr. Frédéric Vallon, the dedicated director of La Marjolaine, expressed his positive observations. He provided us with detailed accounts of the residents’ and staff’s experiences, highlighting the tangible improvements in well-being and air quality within the establishment.

To learn more about his experience, watch his testimonial in the video below.

Posted in Case studies, Health & Research

Indoor Air Quality: new ERP Regulations in Effect

For the past 10 years, indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a central concern for public health authorities. Studies have shown that poor IAQ is the root cause of numerous physical and mental health problems among building occupants, including respiratory illnesses (such as worsened asthma, rhinitis, and bronchitis), as well as other symptoms like headaches, fatigue, eye and throat irritation, nausea…

On the contrary, good IAQ has a highly positive impact on the well-being, productivity, and morale of occupants. To such an extent that IAQ has become a significant corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue for companies.

A study conducted in 2014 by ANSES and the Indoor Air Quality Observatory (IAQO) estimated that approximately 28,000 new cases of illness and over 20,000 premature deaths per year were attributed to six indoor air pollutants, excluding specific pollution in professional settings. Moreover, the cost of poor IAQ is estimated at 19 billion euros per year in France (source: IAQO) !

The Covid-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of indoor air quality and the need to purify the air we breathe. It is therefore crucial to take action and implement measures to improve IAQ !

Building on the findings regarding the advantages and limitations of each of the options proposed by the previous monitoring system, the 4th National Environmental Health Plan (2021-2025) titled “One Environment, One Health” has outlined the framework for revising the regulations on monitoring indoor air quality in Sensible Public Reception Facilities.

This revision also takes into account the lessons learned from the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic. Indeed, this health crisis has highlighted the importance of implementing an environmental strategy to control indoor air quality in each ERP.

As a result, controlling the rate of air renewal and purification in indoor spaces through the measurement of not only carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration but also volatile organic compounds has become a major priority. This approach enables the dilution and elimination of indoor pollutants, including airborne infectious agents.

Thus, a new system came into effect on January 1, 2023.

The overall action plan governing the monitoring of indoor air quality in these establishments is developed along 3 axes :

  • Annual evaluation of the means of ventilation
  • Self-diagnosis every 4 years (compared to monitoring every 7 years previously) with identification of pollutant sources, reduction of their emissions, reduction of occupant exposure and maintenance of building ventilation sources.
  • Measurement campaigns at key stages in the life of the building (delivery of a new building, rehabilitation, renovation of ventilation systems, change of floor coverings, etc.).

Three pollutants are targeted as a priority: formaldehydes, benzenes and CO2.

The establishments subject to this regulatory monitoring system since January 1, 2023 are those welcoming children :

  • collective childcare facilities for children under 6 years old (daycares, nursery schools, etc.)
  • educational establishments or vocational training institutions at the primary and secondary levels (kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, high schools offering general, technological, or vocational education).
  • recreation centers.

However, the implementation has been postponed to 2025 for other ERP categories (social and medico-social structures, juvenile correctional facilities, etc.) to allow time for adaptation and provide suitable tools to the communities. Additional measurement recommendations may be proposed for other pollutants in these categories.

All these measures aim to raise awareness, provide training, and empower the entities responsible for managing this aspect of indoor air quality.

One simple and cost-effective way to improve the indoor air quality of buildings is to equip them with professional air purifiers. By capturing volatile organic compounds, these devices effectively filter the air and remove polluting particles, providing purified and sanitized air.

Using an air purifier is a more environmentally-friendly solution for refreshing the air we breathe. Indeed, when we open a window while the heating or air conditioning is running, it leads to outdoor air pollution and contributes to global warming. On the other hand, using an air purifier eliminates the need for window opening, thereby reducing our environmental impact.

It is important to note that no financial assistance is provided if, during an inspection, pollutant levels in a facility exceed the established limits. Therefore, installing one or multiple air purifiers proves to be a less costly solution compared to undertaking building renovation works.

Source :

Posted in Health & Research, Public Places

The use of negative ions for air quality

What are negative ions?

Ions are particles in the air that carry an electrical charge. Ions are made up of electrons and protons. There are two categories of ions: cations which are positively charged and anions which are negatively charged. We find negative ions in very large quantities in large natural spaces, such as in the mountains, in the forest, by the sea or near a waterfall. By breathing in very large quantities of negative ions, we experience a real feeling of well-being.

Today, thanks to technological advances, devices such as ionizers make it possible to enrich our common areas with negative ions and thus, to enjoy our interior spaces serenely.


What are the effects of negative ions on our health? *

Many studies show that an environment enriched with negative ions has many health benefits.

First of all, negative ions improve the general state of health because they promote better penetration of oxygen into the lungs. This will affect heart function, blood flow rate and quality of sleep. They also stimulate enzymes and hormones that help strengthen the immune system.

Negative ions also improve our sense of well-being.

By reducing serotonin levels, negative ions improve concentration and memory and reduce feelings of fatigue or mood swings. So you get a feeling of well-being.


And against pollution?*

Ionization is effective in depolluting interior spaces. By spreading through the air, negative ions prevent harmful particles (pollen, germs, volatile organic compounds) from developing. Thus, people suffering from asthma or allergies see their condition improve.

* “The benefits of negative ions on our health”, author My Sommeil, source website

* “What are the health benefits of negative ions?” », airvia medical, source website

Posted in Health & Research

The air ionizer : a natural purifying solution

An air ionizer is an air purifying device that generates negative ions to remove certain harmful particles in the air. It can also destroy bad smells.

What is an air ionizer?

Air ionizers are very little appreciated by French households mainly because of their aesthetics, but the trend is about to be reversed. Indeed, the number of people allergic to pollen is on the rise and it turns out that purifying the air in homes can be an excellent way to fight against these popular allergies.

In addition to cleaning the ambient air, the device also effectively fights against bacteria, certain viruses, odors as well as mold and dust mites. It is also effective against aldehydes and VOCs, famous volatile compounds found in paints, household products, furniture…
Ionization allows you to breathe clean air, as if you were at the foot of a waterfall.
It is essential to choose your ionizer according to the surface to be purified. A simple calculation (area in m² x height) will help you select the one you need.

For who ?

The ionizer (or air ionizer, an overused term) is very useful for allergy sufferers, babies, the elderly or anyone sensitive to air pollution. Indeed, this type of device has already been used for a long time in industries to filter toxic residues, in hospitals and airlines to stop viruses and bacteria. Now available for individuals, it will help you find the balance of positive and negative ions in your interiors, in order to keep them healthy for your comfort.

Remember that the air in your home has an impact on your health. Indeed, a house in which the air is of poor quality will tend to make you sick. The origin of this stale air can be varied, but for example an excess of humidity leads to the development of fungi on your walls, and you breathe in their spores without realizing it. Another possibility: people who smoke or use a lot of incense: inside, the air is weakly renewed and the microparticles circulate and infiltrate into the microbronchi.

You may not know it, but many harmful particles circulate in your home. By using an air ionizer, negative ions will be used by the device to neutralize foul particles and capture bad odors. This purification process mitigates adverse effects for people sensitive to pollens.

In addition, it is a great way to reduce the proliferation of dust mites, viruses, mold and bad odors. The air ionizer blends into your interior decoration, with a particularly neat design. It is a product that is aimed at the elderly, babies and people sensitive to allergies.


Posted in Health & Research

Air pollution and health : what links and what effects?

Air, our body’s fuel

Air is the first element necessary for life. Breathing is a vital human function. Every day, about 15,000 liters of air pass through our respiratory tract, or about 9 liters of air per minute. When unfolded and laid out on a flat surface, our lungs represent an area of approximately 70 m². When we know that we breathe between 150 and 750 billion nanoparticles every day, it becomes essential to understand and treat the effects of air pollution. Today, the consequences of air pollution are multiple: lungs, heart, brain and much more. Each year, nearly 7 million deaths are attributable to exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollution.

The air contains the oxygen our organs need to function. It comes into our lungs, then is sent into the blood which carries it to all parts of our body. Thus, all the molecules of pollution, when they enter through our nose or our mouth, find a way to an area of our body and create a disturbance.


The effects of air pollution on health

Air pollution affects nearly all of us. It is estimated that nearly 7 million deaths are associated with outdoor and indoor air pollution, or about 12% of all deaths globally. Air pollution can affect everything and everyone. The WHO estimates that 36% of lung cancers are linked to pollution, 35% of COPD, 34% of strokes, 27% of heart disease. Even more frightening, today the WHO claims that 90% of the urban population does not breathe healthy air.

Environmental pollution (fine particles, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone, benzene, hydrocarbons and heavy metals) is believed to be the cause of 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide. It is the main cause of death by cancer (28%), i.e. 31,000 deaths per year in France (increasing in women). An increase in cancer incidence is expected by 2030 (+45% to 190%). Regional mortality rates (world standardized) for lung cancer over the period 2004-08 vary from 36.6 per 100,000 in Midi-Pyrénées to 57.3 per 100,000 in Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

The pollution produced by factories, motor vehicles, agriculture or even natural phenomena (fires, pollens, volcanism, etc.) has a direct impact on respiratory and cardiovascular health. The size of the particles is related to their toxic potential. Pollutants induce the production of probiotic molecules responsible for peribronchial fibrosis, and metalloproteases responsible for emphysema.
Diesel represents a determining factor in the increased prevalence and morbidity of allergic diseases by acting not only on pre-established allergic responses but also on their genesis.

Pollution peaks increase mortality in patients with chronic cardio-respiratory conditions, increase emergency consultations and hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular causes in patients with chronic respiratory failure, asthma, COPD, etc., and are associated with decreased ventilatory function in children. Children are particularly to be protected. Pregnant women must also take precautions to protect their child (many pollutants are present in cord blood).

Indoor air pollution is also very impactful for asthmatic or sensitive people. Allergens in our homes are indeed everywhere: plants, bedding, carpets, wet areas… We therefore talk a lot about moulds, dust mites, pollens, cleaning products, tobacco, home fragrances… We cannot insist enough on the need for ventilation in the home, a vital but not very widespread practice, and on the interest of staying well informed: knowing the critical periods for pollen emissions in the region, reading the labels of household products… to Avoid errors or risky practices!


Posted in Health & Research

Our Mission

“Air quality is the main pillar of good health.”

We made this observation when the child of a relative had a serious health problem that forced him to stay in a sterile room. In this type of case, many means are implemented to sanitize the patient’s environment: water, food and especially the air, must not contain any source of germs or pollution.


Realizing this, the MonaAir team set out to find the most effective and natural solutions to clean the air. This solution had to be environmentally friendly, energy efficient, easy to integrate and discreet, while maintaining a high purification performance.

We spend 70% to 90% of our time indoors. Many studies demonstrate the significant degree of pollution that exists in our interiors and the impact this has on our health.

With the Covid 19 pandemic, it became urgent that indoor spaces once again become healthy and secure places in which we can stay serenely.

We were first interested in mobile purification solutions. But to keep an optimal performance of this type of device, it is necessary to buy various filters adapted to the shape and the technical capacities of the purifier. In addition, most models require regular and expensive maintenance which can be burdensome for users and not very environmentally friendly.


By deepening our research, we discovered two technologies used for a few decades to purify and disinfect the air: a technology based on photocatalysis, used in the hospital environment and for space missions, and the other based on cold plasma, also used in the medical sector.

These two processes are known to be effective against the vast majority of bacteria and viruses as well as pollution in all its forms.

After studying these purification technologies, the next step was to improve the devices. Thanks to our team, we have optimized the purification modules in order to make them safer, easily adaptable to existing installations and requiring little maintenance.

Today, our MonaAir purifiers are able to provide clean air for everyone, everywhere.

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